Starting in 1928, a group of equine enthusists held gatherings at one another's homes to share trail rides and lunch together. By 1946 the group of about 70 people met to charter their club as Fox River Valley Saddle and Harness Association. The club emphasized family fun with trail rides, picnics, impromptu horse shows and social functions.
Without a place to call home, the club conducted their first Rodeo, in August 1947, at the South Street Stable in Elgin. They followed up in September of 1949 with 216 entries for their first open horse show at the Wing Park Baseball Field in Elgin. The events were so popular, the club decided it was time they purchase their own land.
In May of 1951, the club purchased their first facilities on Route 58, 1/2 mile east of Route 25 in Elgin. In July of 1952, the club shortened its name to Fox Valley Saddle Association. By 1958, the membership had built the clubhouse and no longer had to meet in member's homes or rented buildings.
Due to the popularity of the events and membership growth, they outgrew the 5 acres on Rt. 58 and in 1970 they exchanged for the property on Bowes Road in Elgin with their first show on this property in 1971. With continued improvement to this property with a steel barn, stall barn, and a new wash rack around 1988, the club's popularity and membership continued to grown. By the club's 50th Anniversary in 1996, the club boasted 100 family and 300 individual memberships.
The FVSA facilities have never seen a dull moment; horse shows, auctions, club functions, as well as other organizations renting the grounds for their own shows and events.
Fox Valley Saddle Association has experienced many changes, and more changes are coming, but the emphasis on family and the love of the horse endures.
FVSA currently occupies 40 acres at the corner of Tower and Rohrsen Roads in Hampshire, IL. FVSA facility has indoor and outdoor arenas with warm-up areas, 100 stalls in two barns, cross-country course with water complex and plenty of parking.
Originally chartered in 1946 as the "Fox River Valley Saddle and Harness Association", the Fox Valley Saddle Association is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit saddle club located just west of Elgin, Illinois in Hampshire.
Fox Valley Saddle Association (FVSA) is dedicated to exclusively promote, support, assist, and encourage the advancement of diversified equine activities through educational, recreational, and agricultural programs as well as provide and maintain facilities utilized by the equestrian community for educational seminars, exhibits, and equestrian competitions (subject to the association's bylaws).